by Krista Bugden | Jan 30, 2017 | 90 Days In A Ford Focus, Lifestyle Design, Uncategorized
Chris was determined to leave January 20th, no matter what my plan was. For me, it was more of an idea at the time. I had done some travelling and desperately wanted to travel more. I wanted to experience and see new things. I had a full-time job as a Rehab Assistant... by Chris Penny | May 24, 2016 | Uncategorized
Hi Local Lawns Clients! Thanks for clicking through from the email. Welcome to my (Chris Penny’s) new website. I’d like to tell you about my new business and how it grew out of Local Lawns. I’d also like to ask for some help (see bottom of page). As... by Chris Penny | Apr 22, 2016 | Uncategorized
Here’s a bit about my site: This is my personal and professional digital focal point. This is where I collect my thoughts and share the information I curate for anyone who is interested. I love to teach and want to pass along my discoveries. Not everyone will be... by Chris Penny | Apr 10, 2016 | Uncategorized
This is my first post. It’s April 10th, 2016. I’ve been thinking about getting this stated for so long! Finally it’s real!